Copper Roofing

Elevate Your Roof with the Timeless Beauty and Unmatched Durability of Copper
At Norm’s Roofing, we appreciate the timeless appeal of copper roofing. For centuries, copper has graced homes and buildings with its timeless charm and exceptional performance – lasting well beyond our lifetimes! Copper weathers the elements with ease while developing its signature patina over time to become part of its unique aesthetic for each property. Our experienced team possesses all of the knowledge and experience required to craft stunning copper roofs that will enhance the beauty and value of your property for generations. Let Norm’s Roofing turn your vision into reality with a stunning copper roof built to last!

Copper Roof Advantages
Longevity Is Unrivalled: Copper is known for its remarkable lifespan – over 100 years with proper care and maintenance! Additionally, it develops a beautiful patina over time which enhances your building’s aesthetics and acts as an added element of security.
Superior Durability: Copper’s natural corrosion and rust-resistance makes it the ideal material to withstand all climates and weather conditions, unlike steel that will rust and eventually weaken over time.
Lightweight Advantage: Copper’s lighter weight means it puts less strain on a building’s structure – an especially valuable feature in older properties.
Malleable and Versatile: Copper’s malleability allows it to be easily customized around curves for intricate roof designs and easier customization of complex rooflines.
Copper’s Natural Beauty: Over time, copper develops its signature patina to transform from a bright reddish hue to a stunning turquoise green tone, adding timeless elegance to your property.
Copper’s Natural Antimicrobial Properties: Copper has antimicrobial properties which make it useful in certain applications.
Budget: Copper has an initial higher cost, but its excellent lifespan makes it a cost-effective long-term choice.
Roof Design with Copper: Copper’s malleability makes it the perfect material for designing intricate rooflines or curvier designs.

Norm’s Roofing Expertise
Not every contractor has the knowledge and experience to work with copper like Norm’s Roofing. There are many unique attributes to consider:
- Metalwork and soldering: Copper requires precise techniques for cutting, bending, and seaming panels together. Soldering can help seal off seams for watertight seams. Installers must understand how copper reacts with other materials in order to avoid corrosion issues and keep projects on schedule.
- Knowledge of Building Codes: Copper roof installation may require specific compliance with building codes for ventilation and structural support purposes.
- Experience with complex roof design: Copper’s malleability allows it to create complex patterns on roofs, but doing this requires skill and meticulous planning in order to do it justice.
- Long-term planning: Copper offers great longevity, but for it to reach its maximum lifespan it must be installed properly from the outset.
Norm’s is the ideal contractor for installing copper roofs as we possess excellent metalworking skills as well as extensive knowledge about roofing principles and best practices specific to copper.
Contact Norm’s Roofing today for a consultation and to discuss your roofing project!